วันอังคารที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Lipstick That Leaves More Than a Mark

Lipstick That Leaves More Than a Mark

They say that being forewarned is being forearmed. This is true, but is that enough? Just because you receive a warning, doesn’t mean you really heard it, nor does it mean that you will act upon it. Too often, we hear about attacks on innocent people, and we think that those things would never happen to us or our friends or family. Yet we hear of the prevalence of predators in the news more and more every day. These attacks are extremely prevalent – more on women than men. There is a way to defend yourself.

Recently, Channel 7 News in Lawton, Oklahoma asked the questions, “Would you know what to do if someone came up behind you in a dark parking lot? What would you do if someone tried forcing open your front door? Would you know how to defend yourself?” One solution is Lipstick Pepper Spray – a subtle and discreet, yet powerful weapon against an attacker.

These questions were part of a Special Report: “Personal Protection (OTC)” that explored personal self defense devices. The report went on to state that “more and more people are utilizing personal defense devices; they can be bought over the counter to fend off attackers. Places such as dark parking lots can be an ideal location for attackers to plan an assault. It can even happen in your own home.”

Statistics show that there are more and more personal attacks – even in areas that traditionally have very low crime rates. “Police and law enforcement related businesses say more and more people are purchasing personal safety devices such as pepper spray (Lipstick Pepper Spray, for instance), stun guns, and mace,” Channel 7 story stated.

In addition, devices are becoming easier to use and more discreet. For instance, pepper spray no longer comes only in a canister which could tip off a would-be attacker. Pepper spray is available in everything from rings to cell phones to pens to the subtle Lipstick Pepper Spray.

The Channel 7 story went on to way that Lea Love’s husband bought her a taser, which is similar to a stun gun but has a much wider range. It shoots barbs up to 15 feet and delivers 50,000 volts of electricity into an assailant – enough to disable an attacker without doing any permanent damage. Lea says she feels empowered because of having the weapon. “I don’t have to worry about killing the bad guy, just immobilizing him until the cops get there,” she remarked.

The Channel 7 story also said that “The bottom line is that personal safety is worth it. Just think carefully about how you will use personal safety devices.”

The best ideas for safety to ensure safety do not revolve around new technology. Here is a list of things we already know but forget when we are in a hurry.
1.Try to stay where there is a lot of people

2.Park and walk in well lit areas

3.Keep your keys in your hand so there is no wasted time when getting in the car

4.Do not carry so many items that you are overloaded or do not have a hand free

5.Park as close to your destination as possible, especially at night

6.Let someone know if you are working late in an office building or need to go to a covered parking garage

7.Scream as loudly as possible or create a scene if there is a problem

8.Never stay after you disable an attacker, leave and find safety and call 911

That being said, it is important to be prepared, have the right tools and know how to use them.

Author: Majestic Help
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/
