How to Choose Your Lipstick Tomorrow Morning
So suppose I choose to step my Red Pump out the door with my Red Lips…Do you have a picture in your mind. CONFIDENCE! and maybe just a little assertive although not obviously in your face. Looking to get what you want without anyone knowing? Try some Red lips with a Black Sassy suit in the am. You will not be disappointed with the outcome.
Pink is always FUN. Gotta love that girl’s music. It’s so girly, rebellious and yet a bit demure. My thoughts often go to a silly place that is so Hot with a bright, over the top pink which some women seem to think is their personal red. I salute you. Makes me smile. Often girls in Pink seem to be assertive while being flirty. Not something I ever mastered although I enjoy watching them in action. Lesson learned.
Berry is reserved when I am looking to fade into the wall. It is very safe and may make you feel as though you are not committed…to anything. Great gym color although I would not consider it unless I have on some faboulous burgundy new shirt. Make it real deep though and play like a rock star.
Browns…Interesting enough I really love them. Browns make me think of power, wisdom and generally on top of my game. Browns remind me of the person that geniunuely knows something that I need to learn. You know a secret that I know I want to hear.
Please share your thoughts on color selection with me. It’s all so interesting how we women (maybe some men) view all with do in living Technicolor.
Author: Carol Clifton
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