Lipstick Lore
Choose the right colour

As a rough guide, remember:
* Fair skin tones are flattered by blue-undertone reds, light pinks, honey, mocha and beige with pink undertones.

* Darker skins like brownish reds and plums, sheer pinks, pink-glossed beige and virtually any shade of brown.
Once you've found the colour that's bang-on target, you're almost done - but not quite! The trick lies in the application.
Read on, and get ready to knock 'em dead!
Too Thick?
Play them down!
Lips can never be too fat. Well. almost never. So if you feel you've got more than your share of lip, here's what you can do:

* Fill in with the same colour lipstick as your lip pencil. It is always advisable to use a lip brush.
* Use a dark, matte lipstick as these make lips appear thinner. Glossy lipsticks

* Dab your lips with a little bit of powder, to tone them down. Et voila! You're all set for a night on the town!
Too Thin?
Play them up!
So who said too much sex appeal is injurious to health? If you're looking to get hot, in-your-face lips that really stand out, here's what to do:

* Follow with lipstick. The shade could be lighter than the lip pencil. This gives the illusion of depth.
* Use frosted shades, and load on the gloss. Stay away from matte lipsticks, or follow with a touch of gloss.
Author: IndiaParenting
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