Lipstick is most popular cosmetic; face, eye colors also on must list
Of all the color cosmetic categories, which one is the most popular with women?
Did you say nail color? Good guess, but it's wrong. The color cosmetic that most women wear is lipstick. According to the latest Drug Store News Consumer Brands Preference Study done by
If lipstick is the most frequently purchased color cosmetic, Shapiro found that Revlon is the most popular retail lipstick brand. The only lipstick to score a popularity rating higher than Revlon's was Avon's Pure & Gentle Lipstick line, which is sold door-to-door.
However, Revlon was nearly neck and neck with Avon in popularity, and it was twice as popular as its nearest competitor, the department store lipstick line from Estee Lauder.
Maybelline, Clinique, Cover Girl and Mary Kay each had between a 6 percent and 7 percent popularity share among women who had actually purchased lipstick in the past 12 months. After that the shares became highly fragmented, ranging from a high of 2.5 percent for L'Oreal's lipsticks to a low of 0.4 percent for Almay, Ultima, and others.
Lipstick buyers are also willing to spend full price for their favorite brands. Only 29 percent of those who had bought a lipstick in the past year said they had got it on sale.
Face makeup is another frequently used category. Sixty-five percent of all women use a face makeup, according to Shapiro, and 83 percent of all users have bought at least one in the past year.
Their favorite brand, by far, is Cover Girl, the choice of 17 percent of all those who had bought a makeup in the past year.
Mary Kay had second place with 10 percent, and Maybelline, Clinique and Avon were in a close
Women showed even more willingness to buy face makeups at full price. Only 20 percent said they picked up their face makeup on sale, a sign that retailers don't have to discount face makeups to generate sales. Women know which brand they want and they will buy it when they need it, sale or not.
Eye color products are used by about two out of three women, and of these, 78 percent have bought an eye care product in the past year.
The most popular brand? You guessed it. Maybelline.
Two out of every 10 women users named Maybelline as the color product they last bought. Another 13 percent named Cover Girl; 9 percent, Avon; 8 percent, Revlon and Mary Kay; 6 percent, Clinique and 5 percent, Estee Lauder.
TABLE : Consumer Preferences: Base or other Face Makeup
Total Northeast Midwest South West
Cover Girl 10.9% 9.8% 8.7% 11.6% 13.6%
Mary Kay 6.4 4.3 8.2 6.6 5.8
Maybelline 6.1 7.4 2.1 5.8 10.4
Clinique 5.2 5.5 3.6 6.2 5.2
Avon/Pure & Gentle 4.9 6.7 5.6 5.4 1.3
Estee Lauder 4.4 6.1 4.1 3.1 5.2
Revlon 4.3 3.7 3.6 5.4 3.9
Max Factor 3.0 3.1 3.6 2.7 2.6
Note: Asked of women only
Source: J. Shapiro and Associates